The Archetypal Tarot Podcast explores the universal human patterns of the archetypes of the Tarot uncovering provacative mythology for the 21st century

Sunday May 14, 2023
My Mom: A Cinderella Story
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
“The only question in the end is whether I can find and tell my inner story,
which is also my inner truth.” ~ Michael Meade.
What fairy tale, myth or story most resembles what your mother lived in her formative years?
This month’s podcast is a special early tribute to Cyndera's mom for Mother’s Day! This podcast includes her story as a child, and its many parallels to the Cinderella story: absent mother, absent father, abandonment, perseverance, patience, kindness, birds, housework, stepmother, stepsisters, fairy godmother, the magic carriage, the dog, the dream come true....
A video version of this reading is available for paid subscribers on the Archetypal Stories Substack! The article and video includes pictures of Cyndera's mom and images from the Little Golden Book version that captured my her imagination and heart as a little girl.
Enjoy and... Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Melissa Townsend: A Talk on Tarot & the Sutras
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Cyndera welcomes Melissa Townsend - artist, psychic and card creator - to her home in Suisun, California. Over tea, the two discuss the deep process of working with the philosophies of Putanjali through the creation of art work inspired by the yoga sutras. Townsend has dedicated a painting of her personal process to EVERY yoga sutra (Books 1-4). The work of the sutras and the art of Tarot are compared and contrasted. The vital nature of doing such deep artistic work in the age of AI is revealed.
Melissa's work can be purchased through her website at https://melissa-townsend.com
Melissa's Bio:
Melissa Townsend is an Artist, Author, Psychic & Astrologer, and lives in San Francisco with her husband and son.
She has been a practitioner of Yoga for over 35 years, and studied Sanskrit for over 15 years, now teaching the language to others. Melissa has also translated the Yoga Sutras, and has been creating paintings inspired by them since 2011. The paintings, translations, and commentary of the Yoga Sutras, Book One and Book Two, have been published in full-color, soft-bound books and as Meditation Cards.
You can also find Melissa on YouTube videos on Astrology and the Tarot. She has created a couple Tarot Decks including The Subtle Tarot.
The unifying force behind all of Melissa's work lie the age-old questions, the ones that push us onto the spiritual path, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” All of this is a way to engage with each other, as we all ask and try to answer those questions.

Monday Apr 03, 2023
The Weiser Interview: A Rider-Waite-Smith Deck for Everyone
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
The Rider-Waite-Smith deck has been known as the preeminent Tarot deck that first illustrated the entire Minor Arcana along with a re-imagining of the Major Arcana that has influenced hundreds of deck on the market today. This podcast interviews Weiser author and editor Judika Illes and researcher/artist/designer Kathryn Sky-Peck about their recently released Weiser Tarot that features Pamela "Pixie" Colman Smith's original line art with freshly watercolor painted cards. The Weiser Tarot presents a fresh face that embraces figures on a varying spectrum of skin tone and gender orientation. The creators' process with this landmark deck inspires all of us to come to this antiquated deck with fresh eyes and to "examine each card one by one, prior to considering the interpretations of others." The 78 pieces of art, originally drawn by Smith, "open our intuition and imagination to explore our hearts and minds" (Illes 2022).
More about Judika Illes:
Born in New York City, Judika Illes is a lifelong lover, student, and practitioner of the magickal arts. She is the author of numerous books devoted to magic spells, witchcraft, saints, spirits, and the paranormal including the best-selling Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and Encyclopedia of Spirits. Her other books include Pure Magic: A Complete Course in Spellcasting, Magic When You Need It, Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, and Daily Magic, a perpetual calendar of spells, rituals, and feasts. Judika is also the curator of two books of occult fiction. Someday she will publish some occult fiction of her own. Judika is a certified aromatherapist and has been a professional tarot card reader since 1988. Judika has worked as an editor for Weiser Books since 2015. Before that, she worked for The Witches’ Almanac. She teaches about spell-casting and other topics in the US, internationally, and virtually. Her website is under construction, but Judika is easily found on-line at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorJudikaIlles Instagram: @judikailles and Twitter: @JudikaIlles
More about Kathryn Sky-Peck:
Kathryn Sky-Peck has been a life-long student of the esoteric arts. Currently Creative Director at Red Wheel/Weiser, she has been with Weiser books off and on since 1981 when she first began working with the publisher. She is an award-winning poet, a fine artist, and—when the grace of youth allowed it—a modern dancer. She sees all these art forms interconnected, finding color and movement in words and music in poetry. She has been the sole proprietor of Sky Peck Design for the last 27 years, where she maintains a select group of clients, most notably The Witches Almanac and Ibis Press. In her role as book development director at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, she authored Who Has Seen the Wind? and The Poet’s Delay, both compilations of poetry based on the museum’s art collection. She loves the anonymity of being in the background, from where she’s had the honor to work with, support, and learn from some of the occult world’s best-known authors. Not on social media, she lives at the edge of a New England wood with her cat Milo.

Monday Feb 27, 2023
Twist Your Fate: Interview with Theresa Reed
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
The Tarot Lady, Theresa Reed, visits the Archetypal Tarot Podcast with tips on intuition and the power of free will. We discuss her book on Astrology and Tarot and how to overcome fears of "bad" charts or cards.
This episode begins with Theresa's own story - how she was in a slump with her career and was surprised to get a reading that she would one day run her own business. She has now been a successful tarot reader for over 30 years and author of many publications. This interview and book details how most of us need to "twist our fate" to best understand ourselves, bring our gifts to the world and thrive even when challenges in our charts arise. If you're curious or drawn to better utilizing tarot and astrology to guide your decision-making The Tarot Lady is the wise sister you've always wanted to listen to!
For video of this special interview, become a subscriber at archtypalstories.substack.com!

Monday Jan 23, 2023
The Archetypal Tarot Podcast Has Now Moved to Substack!
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023

Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Prairie Majesty Wisdom with Kara Simons
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
In this interview with oracle deck creator Kara Simons, Cyndera and Kara explore the bounty of wisdom from the prairie plains through its animals, flora and elemental beings. At the heart of this beautiful and boldly illustrated deck is the revelation of self sovereignty, and the invitation therein to reclaim a direct connection with nature. Kara breaks down the channeled wisdom of these cards and the structure that organically emerged during the cards' creation. Stories of synchronicity and deep learning abound, including how the connection with artist Amy Putney Koenig was sparked. Carefully crafted questions emerge from each card that will clarify your inquiries and stir up transformative intuition. Any and all are welcome to the wildness of the prairie to open to its expansive wisdom!
Find out more anout Kara, her decks and connect with her on her website joyfulresonance.com
This episode is sponsored Freerange Priestess on Etsy - you’ll find nontraditional rosaries, quirky prayer beads, sacred jewelry and more.
freerangepriestess.com / https://www.etsy.com/shop/FreeRangePriestess
BIG Thanks to our patrons: Peter, Janet, Richard, Joro, Juniper and Rash of Stay Woke Tarot. We appreciate our Patrons and their support! You can find out more about the fabulous benefits of being a Patron at http://tiny.cc/tarotpodcast
Are you a fan of this podcast? Rate and review us on whatever app you use to listen. Connect with us on Instagram & Facebook @TarotPodcast our email is tarotpodcast @ gmail.com
The podcast is produced by Both/And Media
Theme music by: The Lunar Group

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Archetypal Guidance with Sophie Bashford
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
This episode Julienne is in conversation with Sophie Bashford, author of The Goddesses, Gods & Gaurdians oracle deck recently published by Hay House and with beautiful illustrations by Hillary Wilson.
Together they discuss the universal archetypal patterns and perspectives seen in the cards and guidance on working with these energies.
Sophie Bashford is a UK based author, channel and much-loved expert on Goddesses. She supports people all over the world to awaken their soul memories of the Goddess through her Moon Temple Membership, private sessions and retreats. www.sophiebashford.com
Follow her on Instagram

Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Tarot for Kids with Theresa Reed aka The Tarot Lady
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Storytellers & Tricksters with Priscilla Howe
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
The Archetypal Tarot Podcast celebrates the arrival of Spring with a special guest, storyteller Priscilla Howe. She is the author of the recently released sampler of Bulgarian Folktales called Clever, Kind, Tricky and Sly. With so much happening in the world, with an eye particularly on Eastern Europe, Priscilla and Cyndera find hope, laughter and wisdom within the trickster archetype, embodied by "Clever Peter" and also the old woman archetype "Baba Marta." Priscilla tells two tales from her book and Cyndera follows suit with a made-up Bulgarian-inspired story of her own. This podcast is full of heart as it unveils aspects of the trickster that can be kind as well as sly.
About author Priscilla Howe: Storyteller Priscilla Howe has traveled the world with a bagful of puppets and a headful of stories since 1993. Her favorite story is the one she's telling at any given moment, and her favorite audience is the one right in front of her. She is a native New Englander who lives in Lawrence, Kansas with a cat named Pippin. Priscilla's new book, Clever, Kind, Tricky and Sly: A Bulgarian Folktale Sampler just came out, thanks to Parkhurst Brothers Publishers. Find out more about and connect with Priscilla through her website https://www.priscillahowe.com/ .

Monday Jan 31, 2022
The Numinous Tarot with Rashunda Tramble
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
This episode we welcome back a long time friend of the podcast, Rashunda Tramble. (You might know her as Rash of Stay Woke Tarot). We recorded this late last year about her book: The Numinous Tarot Guide: A New Way to Read the Cards. If you don’t have a copy, well we highly recommend it. We discuss her book, reexamine tradition and unpack some gems found in The Hierophant card.
About Rash