The Archetypal Tarot Podcast explores the universal human patterns of the archetypes of the Tarot uncovering provacative mythology for the 21st century

Sunday Nov 03, 2019
The Soul Purpose Podcast
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
It has been a time of darkness, literal darkness, as California in the past weeks have been plunged into power outages, fears of fire, evacuations and unspeakable loss because of those fires - once again.
As the smoke thickens and we face a “new normal,” we seem to be seeing even less clearly around us and are uncertain in these darkening times. True Light, when it comes, is unexpected and often fleeting. More and more we ask, what is our path as a human race? What is our place here on this earth? What can I in my one life do to contribute?
This podcast explores the quest for purpose through a recent reading. The querent asks how she can find her path again and what's important to her amidst a chaotic daily family life. This question is a meaningful personal plea that has collective significance.
Here is how you can get an online reading from anywhere in the world:
First Visit storythroughstone.org/readings
Purchase the reading using the PayPal button. Readings are usually $75 but with your $30 discount they will only be $45 by Typing in Promo Code STONESEASON. This offer will stand just until the end of 2019, so take advantage and purchase the gift of a reading for a friend as well!
You may also support this podcast by making a pledge at tiny.cc/tarot. Warmest thanks to our current patrons Cat, Richard, Allie and Geneva.

Friday Oct 04, 2019
Archetypal Autumn
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
This Seasonal Archetypal Tarot Podcast features a reading from the Autumn phase of life - the time when careers may come to a close and retirement beckons. This encompasses both the realities of ending and also the embrace of new creative and collaborative relationships.
This podcast also offers two different ways to receive your own Story Through Stone Reflection Card Reading!

Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Gifts of the Oyster: Stories and Synchronicities
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
How might we liberate our card readings to reveal not only personal insights but also deepen our dialogue with the Earth itself? This question began with a reading for a young woman in Spain, asking if she should leave for London to study acting. The story that resulted, "The Gift of the Oyster" revealed a surprising chain of synchronicities that lead Archetypal Podcast host, Cyndera Quackenbush, to connect more deeply with the surrounding environment and its shelled companions.
Do you have a grit of sand you would like to explore as a possible pearl in a Story Through Stone Reading? We are still accepting questions and readings to be featured on the Podcast, which you can submit by becoming a Patron and e-mailing tarotpodcast@gmail.com. Make your tiny, or not so tiny pledge at tiny.cc/tarot and warmest thanks to our current patrons!

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
The Pillar and the Mermaid
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Special Summer Travel Edition! Cyndera makes her way to Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece, and reflects on two contrasting yet complimentary archetypes - the Pillar and the Mermaid - and how both are present in the images of the Tarot. Stories emerge from Cyndera's own childhood as the failed Delphi of the Desert, and she also offers a creative retelling of the Contest of Athena and Poseidon inspired by her trip to the Acropolis. Questions, Readings and their stories will resume in the next podcast! You can still receive a reading by becoming a patron at tiny.cc/tarot and e-mailing tarotpodcast@gmail.com with your question.

Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Tell Me About My Tarot Practice!
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Whew! At the very tail end of June, we've got the new Archetypal Tarot Podcast for you! Cyndera Quackenbush takes the reins and turns to the intimate new format that explores real-life questions, asked directly to the Tarot, and the readings that result.
The episode begins with a brief history of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast and how this latest period marks a third chapter. The real-life question comes from "Dee" in India, who is wondering about the unfolding of her own tarot practice.
Will you be the next reading question featured on our show? Become a patron at any level and submit a question at storythroughstone.org/readings!

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Emotional Intelligence: A Conversation with Ke‘oni Hanalei
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Ke’oni Hanalei is an alchemist, Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner and founder of Pohala Botanicals https://www.pohala.net/ in Kula, Maui, Hawaii. Ke’oni comes from a long line of medicine holders (called Kahuna here in Hawaii), his lineage extends far, far, far back in time. He inherited sacred fern medicine wisdom his Grandmother, Kau’ikeonalani. We hope you enjoy this conversation with Ke’oni as we discuss masculine & feminine energies, emotional intelligence and what we are all called to be and do to fulfill our destinies and the destiny of the planet. Definitely follow Ke’oni on Instagram at pohala_hawaiian_botanicals - his website is pohala.net.
Aloha means love.
SPECIAL GIFT from Ke’oni - us the code FERN15 to receive 15% off your order through his website.
Topics include:
masculine & feminine energies, compassion, purpose & meaning, Emotional intelligence - feeling the feels, true expression of the Self
Hawaiian Language:
There is more than a little bit of Hawaiian language used in the podcast so here is a handy cheat sheet in case you need it. The Hawaiian language is contextual and relational as well as poetic. It frequently does not translate directly 'one to one' and words have multiple meanings but here is my best attempt to share the meanings of some of the words used in the podcast.
Aloha: There are many meanings of aloha but my sense is that they culminate in what we call Love with a capital L. It’s worth noting that 'alo' means ‘presence’ and ‘ha' is the breath of life - so in a way it’s the recognition of sacred presence which is Love. It’s used as both hello and goodbye as well.
Kapili (kah-pee-lee) : to bond, synthesis, put together, unite
Kapu (kah-poo): forbidden, sacred, protected (because it’s sacred)
Kūkala: proclaim
Pōhala: to recover consciousness; to wake from stupor. PōHALA, to ascend.
Huna: secret, hidden
Kahuna: expert, priests/priestess, keeper of sacred knowledge, medicine holder
'Ike (ee-kay): wisdom
Mana’o (man-na-oh): thought
Kiakahi (key-ah-kah-hee): purpose & meaning
Ke'oni and Julienne

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Can a reading fix your life?
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Body Image & Archetypes
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
2019 Connectivity, Imagination & Relationship
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019