The Archetypal Tarot Podcast explores the universal human patterns of the archetypes of the Tarot uncovering provacative mythology for the 21st century

Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Focus Cards for 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021

Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Rebellion Rosaries and Reclaiming the Goddess
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Kitchen Table Magic with Melissa Cynova
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
We are getting all kinds of Witchy this October episode - we’re excited to share this conversation with Tarot bad @ss Melissa Cynova. 🕯️ Melissa is an award winning author and tarot reader from St. Louis, MO. Her latest book, Kitchen Table Magic is out now. We talk magic, the archetype of the witch, grief, toxic positivity and pumpkin spice lattes - there is more to them than you realized. True story! As is the case when Melissa and I together swearing happens so you have been warned - there will be f* bombs a plenty.
Follow Melissa on the socials for authentic, wise, big-hearted goodness.
As always, you can Find us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram @TarotPodcast Email us at TarotPodcast@gmail.com
💞 Big thanks to our Patrons: Peter, Richard, Juniper and Rash of Stay Woke Tarot. We appreciate your friendship and support every day!
The podcast is produced by Both/And Media
Theme music by: The Lunar Group

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Love Beauty And 9 Years Podcasting
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Story Through Stone founder and teacher Cyndera Quakenbush along with her co-host Julienne Givot, Archetypal Consultant and Free Range Priestess discuss the surprising fact that they have been publishing the podcast for 9 years, the Lovers card - internal wholeness - relationships - weddings - prayer - Julienne’s role as a Free Range Priestess and Cyndera’s deepening into her work with her Story Through Stone Cards.
Big thanks to this episode’s sponsor, Melissa Cynova! Melissa is an award winning author and tarot reader from St. Louis, MO. Her latest book, Kitchen Table Magic is out September 8th. Check out her website melissacynova.com and follow her on the socials for authentic, wise, big hearted goodness. You can thank us later.
The Way of the Rose: The Radical Path of the Divine Feminine Hidden in the Rosary https://wayoftherose.org/
Check out Julienne’s Instagram exploration of beauty on https://www.instagram.com/revjulienne/
Cyndera’s Insta also has some beautiful imagery with her billion year old stones with naturally occurring imagery. https://www.instagram.com/story.through.stone/
Cyndera on Your Tango: https://www.yourtango.com/experts/cyndera-quackenbush

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
NeoWise: Developing new wisdom amidst chaos
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Survival Archetypes Part 2
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020

Monday May 25, 2020
Survival Archetypes: Guides to Navigating a Pandemic Part 1
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Sees things afresh
Willingness to try something new
The rejuvenating power of play
Connects with nature
Curiosity - being curious keeps you open - seeking wisdom vs simple answers even if unsubstatiated - these often concretize - become a protected belief because we are not able to let in opposing or new ideas.
Naiveté - believing because we want a simple answer.
Blind trust / handing our power over to another for protection
Temper tantrums
Refusal to follow guidance because it’s uncomfortable “You’re not the boss of me!”
Creates, holds and protects boundaries
Uses discernment before engaging in battle
Seeks not to hurt others but protect
Acknowledges that wounds connect us to each other fostering understanding & compassion
Alerts us to when we are in danger
Refusal to move toward healing
Hands power over due to woundedness / helplessness
Seeks attention through complaining without movement toward resolution
Engages in blame but not toward healing

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wide Open: Three Archetypal Processes of Evolution
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
We named the episode Wide Open based on the title of a painting created by Cyndera's friend Angela Han. The painting itself was inspired by a song of the same name written by Cyndera and her husband, Joro. Both song and painting were created in the last month amidst the covid-19 pandemic. Look for a bonus episode with more info.
We hope you find inspiration and hope you’ll reach out to us on social media or by email.
For a photo of the painting and links and references visit the show page here: https://archetypaltarot.podbean.com/e/wide-open-three-archetypal-processes-of-evolution/
Journal / exercise / exploration or card spread prompts:
Beauty Journal
References, Resources & Links:
✨ Angela Han, artist https://www.angelahanart.com/ IG&FB @angelahanart
✨ Michael Meade - A Time of Transformation series
✨ New York Times article on St. Rosalia patron saint of plagues
✨ This Jungian Life episode 106 When Everything Changes
✨ Metaphysical Milkshake podcast episode on Beauty
"Wide Open" a painting by Angela Han.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
CoronArchetypes: An archetypal discussion about WTF is going on.
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Cyndera & Julienne discuss the the Corona Virus pandemic through the lens of the archetypal stories of the tarot. Keeping in mind that we drew The Strength card as our focus for 2020, we pull in a few more that we see in evidence during this crisis and discuss how this archetypal view can guide and possibly bring something new to the world during the darkest time.
Tarot Cards / archetypal stories discussed are: STRENGTH, HANGED MAN, HERMIT, TOWER, DEATH-REBIRTH
We are careful in our discussion to honor what unfolds with compassion (and especially self compassion) and not castigate people for not approaching the hardships with a purely spiritual view. All of our capacities are needed at this time even if it means standing in the closet and screaming obscenities to re-set ourselves for the road ahead.
We also discuss ways to use time away from regular routines to re-connect with friends, spend time in nature, bring life to new projects and observe the process of creativity as fomented by BEING (Yin/Feminine) and then brought to life by DOING (Yang/Masculine).
As usual we recognize our podcast friends, colleagues and sheroes for their thoughtful contributions and ideas.
✨ Rash of Stay Woke Tarot reminds us of compassion for ourselves and not feeling ashamed of a less than spiritual approach.
✨ Award winning author, academic and bad@ss goddess, Naomi Klein
✨ Cyndera's first ever certified Story Through Stone Reader, Desiree Ammons of Sukha Self Care.
✨ Ke'oni Hanalei of Pohala Hawaiian Botanicals references the lessons of Hawaiian Fern Medicine, particularly Laukahi - Divine Magnetism.
✨ Author, card-slinger and all around bad@ss of tarot, Melissa Cynova turned us on to The Lightseer's Tarot by Chris-Anne which are the images we focus on.

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
2020 Podcast
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Happy New Years to our Archetypal Tarot Podcast listeners!
As per the Archetypal Tarot tradition, co-hosts Julienne Givot and Cyndera Quackenbush got together over the phone and picked a card for the new year. This time we picked one from the Rider-Waite Major Arcana and one from the Mana Cards, to bring a bit of Mainland and Island Wisdom together for our New Years reading. Themes emerging include Strength, Winds of Change, At-One-Ment and yelling at CNN...
Poem by Hafiz and Story of Maui from Catherine Kalama Becker & Doya Nardin's Mana Cards (as is the above image)