The Archetypal Tarot Podcast explores the universal human patterns of the archetypes of the Tarot uncovering provacative mythology for the 21st century

Monday Jan 31, 2022
The Tarot of Curious Creatures with Chris-Anne
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Website: chris-anne.com
Instagram: @pixiecurio

Monday Jan 03, 2022
2022 New Year Focus Cards
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
The Wandering Star Tarot with Cat Pierce
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021

Friday Oct 29, 2021
The Premonition Code
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Archetypes of the Masculine & Feminine
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Hanged Man

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Under The Witches Hat with Author Marieke Lexmond
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
This episode Cyndera interviews writer and film maker Marieke Lexmond about her writing of the Madigan Chronicles with the use of the 22 Major Arcana cards of the Tarot. Throughout this interview, the influences of nature, magic and archetypes pervade and are revealed through the creative writing process. We'll hear a selection from Marieke's first book, The Dagger and discuss the Magical Tarot Deck that is introduced and explored through her second book of the same title. We have 6 in total to look forward to, as well as a specially created Tarot deck of animals and nature illustrated by Marieke's friend from childhood, Nicole Ruijgrok. Thank you for joining us on this journey of magic, life lessons and tarot-inspired characters as we go "Under the Witches Hat."
Marieke Lexmond reads tarot cards, loves food, photography, and travel. She has three sassy little dogs that she likes to take everywhere and have their own Instagram account @urbandogsquad. Her background in filmmaking enabled her to travel and live around the globe. Storytelling is in her blood, from saving her allowance from a very young age to buy books, to her master's degree from the Dutch Film Academy. Fantasy and science fiction are her favorite. She prefers to write fun and mystical stories. Her attraction to nature and places with a magical history brought her to New Orleans and the West Coast of Ireland. As a pagan, she felt an instant connection to the land; it feeds her imagination and has become the inspiration for the Madigan Chronicles.
Her website and instagram tag: underthewitcheshat.com @underthewitcheshat
BIG Thanks to our patrons: Joro, Peter, Janet, Richard, Juniper and Rash of Stay Woke Tarot. We appreciate our Patrons and their support! You can find out more about the fabulous benefits of being a Patron at http://tiny.cc/tarotpodcastt

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
10 Years of Archetypal Tarot!
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021

Monday May 24, 2021
Ancestral Tarot with Nancy Hendrickson
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Can you connect to your ancestors using the Tarot? Answer: YES
Julienne and Cyndera join together for a very special interview with Nancy Hendrickson, author of the recently released Ancestral Tarot (full bio below). Like a 3 of cups dancing, hosts and guests embark on a discussion of anchoring with the ancestors, and the growing interest this has in the collective at the moment.
Nancy delves more deeply into the description of the different types of ancestors tarot readers can work with. Beyond ancestors of blood, each person can call on both Ancestors of Time and Place. Drawing the wisdom of daily life lived over centuries, guidance for specific questions and problems can be articulated through Tarot imagery.
Julienne describes a mini reading she did for herself for her beginning ancestor work and Nancy provides further insight, including some perspectives on reversals. To further delight current topic interests, Nancy, Julienne and Cyndera further explore the connection between fairy tales and tarot, as well as the ancestors present in the larger natural world. This episode wraps up with the conclusion that ancestor work is not only popular at the moment, but is necessary for our continued survival on earth. Open your eyes, ears and heart for signs from the ancestors in this latest interview!
Nancy Hendrickson is the author of Ancestral Tarot, a book that takes readers into the realm of Ancestors of Blood, Place, and Time using Tarot. She has decades of experience in both genealogy and tarot. Nancy is a columnist for The Cartomancer Magazine, writing about Tarot decks from a cultural perspective. She is active on Instagram @nancysageshadow where she posts daily about Tarot and other forms of divination. You can learn more about Nancy and her work at www.sageandshadow.com
This episode is sponsored Freerange Priestess on Etsy - you’ll find unconventional rosaries, prayer beads and chaplets made for ancestor work.
blog: freerangepriestess.com
Many thanks to our patrons: Peter, Janet, Richard, Juniper and Rash of Stay Woke Tarot. We appreciate our Patrons and their support makes all of this possible. You can find out more about the fabulous benefits of being a Patron at http://tiny.cc/tarotpodcast
The podcast is produced by Both/And Media
Theme music by: The Lunar Group

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Archetypal Fairytales
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
This episode We delve into the world of archetypal fairytales inspired by Cyndera’s recent acquisition of volume one of Jungian scholar Marie Louise Von Franz’s Archetypal symbols in Fairytales: The Profane and Magical Worlds and Julienne mostly fails a Tarot quiz. She's hoping for a chance to redeem myself but until then we hope you enjoy our banter about the power of archetypes and story.
Show notes & Reference Links:

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Deja Vu - The Hierophant
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021